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Full price shown below. Discount applied at checkout. Excludes individual sessions.

Accelerate Your Career

Jump-start your next step with high-impact sessions:

  • Total Person Assessment & Debrief Only

    Two Sessions
    Valid for 6 months
  • Career Acceleration 5-Session Pack

    Five Sessions
    Valid for 6 months
  • Best Value

    Career Acceleration 10-Session Pack

    Ten Sessions
    Valid for 6 months

How is Role Ready different?

1.) Experience live, one-on-one sessions.

Don't settle for watching pre-recorded videos of someone you'll never speak with live. Role Ready sessions are held via Zoom at a time that works for both of us.


2.) Work directly with Evan, the founder of Role Ready.

Don't get passed to someone else as you move through your sessions. Benefit from the consistency of working with an experienced thought-partner as you plan your next steps. 


3.) Benefit from a proven plan, customized to you.

You are unique and so is your situation. Role Ready plans are tailored to fit the specific challenges you face and the goals you aim to achieve. Our holistic approach ensures you are more prepared for your new role.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Role Ready?

Role Ready provides personalized career acceleration plans to help you assess, attain, and transition into your new role. All sessions are facilitated by Evan, an experienced executive coach.


What is executive coaching?

The International Coaching Federation, recognized by many as the gold standard in coaching, defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." At Role Ready, we use coaching techniques and frameworks to help accelerate your career.


How do you ensure confidentiality and privacy?

Role Ready ensures confidentiality and privacy through strict adherence to our privacy policy, and by establishing a clear understanding with clients that all discussions and information shared during sessions are kept confidential. Exceptions to this apply if the client is contemplating hurting themselves or others or is doing or planning to do anything illegal. Coaching conversations are not legally privileged.


How frequently do sessions occur and what is their typical format?

The frequency of sessions is tailored to your needs. Though, weekly sessions are common with Role Ready clients. Sessions usually last about 50 minutes and are conducted online via Zoom. The content of each session varies based on where you are in your career and what you would like to achieve.


How do I schedule sessions after purchasing a package?

Feel free to book sessions with Evan via the Role Ready website or by contacting him directly. Please note: Evan is only available for sessions on evenings and weekends.


Do I need to be a senior leader to benefit from Role Ready?

While most clients are mid to senior level leaders, professionals at all levels can benefit from a Role Ready career acceleration package.


How do you measure the success of the engagement?

The success of an engagement with Role Ready is measured through various metrics, including the achievement of predefined goals, feedback from clients, and tangible organizational outcomes. We track progress against initial objectives set at the beginning of the coaching relationship.


Do you guarantee results?

Role Ready is committed to providing high-quality coaching. Guaranteeing specific outcomes, however, can be challenging due to the variable nature of individual and organizational dynamics. Success largely depends on your engagement and commitment. Role Ready strives to create an environment that promotes growth and positive change, ensuring clients are well-equipped to achieve their career goals.

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